A Guide to OSC Events - Past, Present and Future
July 01, 2020
1st-3rd July, 2018
Olympia, London
Old Spirits Company was proud to exhibit for the fourth time at the most important bar industry trade fair of the year on the London calendar. It's always a pleasure to see so much of the home crowd in one place, but there was a good smattering of international faces as well. As aways we made many new friends.
July 01, 2020
5th December, 2019
Trade, Soho, London
Campari UK was kind enough to ask Old Spirits Company to conduct a tasting of vintage Campari from the 1960s, 70s and 80s at Soho industry members' club Trade. Preceded by a succinct history of the Negroni by Italian Spirits Specialist Joe St. Clair-Ford, our presentation captivated attendees, who preferred the 1960s liquid, and were treated to a surprise sampling of the now defunct clear, viscous raspberry-flavoured liqueur Campari Cordial, made from 1892-92. Our hands are still sticky!
July 01, 2020
8th-10th October, 2018
Station, Berlin, Germany
The most important bar industry trade fair of the year on the International calendar and Old Spirits Company was proud to exhibit for the first time, having presented twice before in 2015 and 2016. As aways visits were made to Lebensstern Bar im Cafe Einstein, Buck & Breck and our personal favourite Bar Immertreu run by the hardest working man in show business Ricardo Albrecht. Any place that served curry worst was also on the list!!

July 01, 2020
28th-30th September, 2018
CEC "Parkovy", Kiev
Rumored to be very well-attended by the shining lights of the world bar industry, Barometer did not disappoint. The venue, lectures, exhibitors and food trucks were all fantastic! A great three days of conference, tasting and nightlife!
The Old Spirits Co. made sure it was a part of it!

June 30, 2020
19th-21st August, 2018
Line Hotel, Los Angeles, California
BevCon moved from Charleston, South Carolina to Los Angeles, California and took the City of Angels by storm. A great three days of conference, tasting and nightlife!
The Old Spirits Co. made sure it was a part of it!
June 30, 2020
16-22 July, 2018
Hotel Monteleone, New Orleans, Louisiana
The 16th anniversary of Tales of the Cocktail and Old Spirits Co. was there for the second time in two years!
Founder Edgar Harden spoke on a panel entitled "How To Buy Vintage Spirits Legally" with Noah Rothbaum and Ryan Malkin. Issues discussed were:
-How Laws Differ in America and Europe
-How to Set up an Effective Vintage Spirits Bar Program
-Evaluating the Condition of a Vintage Spirit
Whistles were wet with a handle bottle of 1960s Old Crow Bourbon provided courtesy of Old Spirits Co.
The second evening of Tales Old Spirits Co. held a sold-out vintage cocktail evening at Cure with the support of Neal Bodenheimer, Ryan Gannon and the Cure team!
November 16, 2017
14th – 16th November, 2017
New York, New York
The final leg of the Bar Institute 2017 took New York by storm over three days at the Brooklyn EXPO Centre.
The Old Spirits Co. made sure it was a part of it!
October 25, 2017
23rd - 25th October, 2017
Portland, OR
The Old Spirits Co. touched down in Portland for the Bar Institute again this year.
July 23, 2017
18th – 23rd July, 2017
New Orleans, LA
2017 saw the Old Spirits Co. pop its TOTC cherry and find a few others in the bottom of some fine cocktails!
On July 20th, Edgar took a full house on a 'Journey into the World of Vintage Spirits' replete with vintage spirit samples and a wealth of insight.

May 23, 2017
May 22nd – 23rd, 2017
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
We took a fine range of vintage spirits to the Perfect Serve Bar Show in Amsterdam. We took mainly Dutch brands and served samples of vintage 1960s Bols Genever, 1960s Bols Cherry Brandy and 1940s Wynand Fockink Cherry Brandy.
Edgar gave a talk on the first day, leading attendees on a 'Journey through the World of Vintage Spirits.'

November 08, 2016
7th - 8th November 2016
New York, New York
The Bar Institute ended its tour in the Big Apple and the Old Spirits Co. was there to see it all the way home.
October 19, 2016
18th – 19th October 2016
Prague, Czech Republic
We had a blast in Prague, both at the Bar Show and at each of the city's fine cocktail bars.
Among our samples was a side-by-side tasting of vintage and current Grand Marnier.
No prizes for guessing which came out trumps...!
October 12, 2016
11th - 12th October, 2016Berlin, GermanyWe took a fine selection of vintage spirits to the Berlin Bar Convent to please the hordes...
October 09, 2016
Peg + Patriot Vintage Cocktail Collaboration
3rd - 9th October, 2016
London, UK
The Old Spirits Co. were proud to be in residence at the sensational Peg + Patriot bar at the Town Hall Hotel in Bethnal Green.
We provided the spirits and the visionary Matt Whiley brought his creative touch to the menu.
The drinks went down an absolute treat - forcing several rounds of restocking!
June 14, 2016
12th - 14th June, 2016
Austin, TXThe Old Spirits Co. joined the Bar Institute on tour again in Austin and kept it classy!
/ A Guide to OSC Events - Past, Present and Future